Social Class
Social class means different grouping of people belongs to different occupations and and fields. However, in every country people have different positions and status that represent the social class in society.There are three main different social classes upper class people, middle class, and lower class
Upper class.
people who have been born into and raised with wealth,mostly consist of noble families.
Middle class.
professionals with a college or university education, and more often with postgraduate degrees like , MBA, MDS, GDS, MSC, etc.
Lower class.
The homeless people and permanently unemployed people as well as the working poor.
Video "faking it"
This video reflects on a normal girl who want to see the system of different classes in Britain. She join the gathering of upper class family to see that the living standard of these people.when she join upper class family she faces hardships and difficulties to manage these people. she realize the entirely different styles and living standard of rich people than the lower class people. Moreover, the talking style, eating habits, dancing style, are totally different.
There are same situation of different social classes in my country.And all the people belongs from different social classes have their own habits of eating and living standard of people.
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