Saturday, 26 June 2010

Social class

Social Class
Social class means different grouping of people belongs to different occupations and and fields. However, in every country people have different positions and status that represent the social class in society.There are three main different social classes upper class people, middle class, and lower class
Upper class.
people who have been born into and raised with wealth,mostly consist of noble families.
Middle class.
professionals with a college or university education, and more often with postgraduate degrees like , MBA, MDS, GDS, MSC, etc.
Lower class.
The homeless people and permanently unemployed people as well as the working poor.
Video "faking it"
This video reflects on a normal girl who want to see the system of different classes in Britain. She join the gathering of upper class family to see that the living standard of these people.when she join upper class family she faces hardships and difficulties to manage these people. she realize the entirely different styles and living standard of rich people than the lower class people. Moreover, the talking style, eating habits, dancing style, are totally different.
There are same situation of different social classes in my country.And all the people belongs from different social classes have their own habits of eating and living standard of people.

Monday, 21 June 2010


Legal system
The united kingdom consist of four countries England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. In 1801 with the union of Great Britain and Ireland the U.K was established.
The legal system
The legal system means the courts and the judges in courts take the legal decisions against the civilians and criminals according to different laws and ordinance. There are two kind of court in united kingdom civil court and crown court.
Civil court
The civil court operates separate from the criminal courts. civil court on different rules and procedures. They are designed to decide disputes between one individual and another. The civil courts generally award compensation to the winner but can make other types of awards.
Crown court
The crown court deals with more serious criminal cases such as murder, rape or robbery, some which are on appeal or referred from Magistrates court.Trials are heard by a judge and a twelve person jury. Members of the public are selected for jury service or may have to go to court as witnesses.
There is no too much differnce between the legal system in U.K and in my country.Present legal system has undergone and exercise through the federal shariat courts, as a result of this exercise now the legal structure although basically it remains on the foundaiton of the British legal system yet its characteristics are islamic based upon the Golden Principle of Islam.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


The traditional eating and drinking habbits are entirely diffrent in u.k than my country. In u.k the first meal of the day is breakfast. Diffrent british people have diffrent habbits to have breakfast daily. And the normally timing to have breakfast 7:30 to 9:00 am. Some British people eats in breakfast toast with butter and diffrent fruity jams. The traditional breakfast in britian is a cooked meal which contains sausages, bacons, kippers,black pudding,scrambled,mushroom, fried tomatoes,black beans,hash browns,and toast.
furthermore, the second meal of the day is called lunch at 12:30 to 2:00 pm. The traditional lunch in u.k bread roll, cheddar cheese, Branston pickle and salad. To go in pub lunch and drinking with some friends also reported to be a traditional food of british.
In the end, i have found a totally diffrent scenario of eating and drinking habbits in british than my country.